
(Jacob Rumans) #1


february / march 2017

Safely stretches the hamstrings and tones the legs when the quadriceps
are contracted

Lie on your back. Inhaling, lift your right leg and hold your right big toe with
your right index and middle fingers, keeping both shoulder blades on the


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Lengthen your hamstrings and
warm up for twisting in these prep poses
for Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana.

Find length in the sides of your body

and a deeper twist as you move

step by stepinto Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana.

Supta Padangusthasana Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose ground. If you can’t reach your lifted foot, use a strap around
your lower arch and hold both ends in your right hand. Press down
on your left thigh with your left hand. Contract the quadriceps of
both legs fully. Move your outer right hip away from your head,
lengthening your right waist. Press both heels away from your hips,
pulling your toes back. Inhaling, bring your awareness into your
right hamstring muscles, feeling them release and stretch. Exhaling,
imagine the center of your right hamstring muscles moving toward
the sitting bone, where it starts. Exhale to release and switch sides.

1 Sit in Janu Sirsasana with your left knee bent. Turn your chest toward your
bent knee, with all fingertips on the floor—right hand in front between your
legs and your left hand behind your left buttock. On an inhalation, press your
fingertips into the floor and lift the bottom of your belly and the sides of your
waist. Exhaling, twist left.

This invigorating spinal twist and chest opener releases
diaphragmatic tension and the intercostal muscles, enhancing
breathing. It also removes tension along the spine and lengthens
the sides of the waist, stretching the abdominal organs, especially
the ascending and descending colon, liver, spleen, and pancreas,
enhancing digestion and elimination.

Janu Sirsasana
page 29

Janu Sirsasana,
page 28
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