
(Jacob Rumans) #1


february / march 2017

Upward Facing Dog
(Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

Lengthen your Abdominal Wall, Strengthen your Arms
From Chaturanga, bring the top of your feet to the floor. Keep
your pelvis at the same level as it was in Chaturanga, straighten
your arms as you lift your chest and inner thighs. Roll your
shoulder blades down your back as you press your chest
forward. The only body parts touching the floor should be your
hands and the top of your feet. Hold for 2 breaths, and make your
way into Downward Facing Dog.

Boat Pose

Fire Up Your Core
Come to a seated position with you knees bent. Bring your
feet together on the floor. Flex your feet and lift your toes off
the floor, then with your hands catch hold of the back of your
thighs, engage your core and lift your chest up, finding a tiny
backbend in your upper back. Keep your torso elevated as
you pull your thighs in toward your chest, and lift your shins
so they are parallel with the floor. If you would like to go
deeper, reach your fingertips forward toward your feet, palms
facing in, arms shoulder distance apart. Lift your pinkies to
keep your chest lifted and shoulder rolling down your back.
Hold here for 3 breaths. Repeat three times alternating with
Reverse Table Top (see below).

Reverse Table Top
(Purvottanasana Variation)

Work your Triceps, Release your Abs
From a seated position, bend your knees, take your feet
about a foot away from your sit bones and bring your hands
behind you underneath the shoulders, fingers pointing
toward your pelvis. Press your hands and feet down and lift
your pelvis up toward the ceiling. Roll your shoulders away
from your ears. Avoid collapsing your chest as you keep
your shoulder blades wide. Either relax your head, gazing
at the ceiling or wall behind you, or if that is too much on
the neck, take your gaze toward your knees. Hold for two
breaths and bring your pelvis back down. Repeat two
more times.


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