
(Jacob Rumans) #1


february / march 2017

Let the

world in
To reap the benefits
of meditation—which
include improved health,
better focus, and inner
calm—you don’t have to
commit to a rigid 5 a.m.
date with your meditation
cushion. Instead, simply
try paying more attention
to what’s around you, says
Vasant Lad, founder of
the Ayurvedic Institute in
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
“Pay attention to anything
your ears are hearing and
listen completely,” says Lad,
whether it’s a barking dog,
a crying child at the store, or
the wind rustling the leaves.
Rather than blocking out this
noise, “allow these sounds
and sights to penetrate
you, and you’ll begin to
experience true inner peace
and silence,” he says.

ÀYH Brew a little bliss

In contrast to the high-octane coffee break, a cup of freshly brewed tea offers a more mellow
pick-me-up—and the Kundalini Yoga tradition offers a ritual for mindfully brewing a cup of
spiced black tea that begins even before you gather your ingredients. When you approach
this tea-making task with focused attention, it becomes meditation in motion, says Dharma
Singh Khalsa, MD, a neuroscientist and author of Food as Medicine.
To a pot filled with 10 ounces (a little over a cup) of water, add four black peppercorns,
four whole green cardamom pods, a half-inch slice of fresh ginger, half a cinnamon stick, and
three whole cloves. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes, then add a half cup of almond or cow’s
milk, along with one bag of black tea; steep for five minutes. Take a moment to enjoy the
aroma, and meditate on your breath or repeat a simple mantra such asSat-nam,which means
“Truth is my identity.” When the tea is ready, sit and enjoy sipping it with your full attention.




A short, soothing routine at bedtime can signal to
your body and mind that it’s time to let go of the
day and rest. Renée Loux, yogi, organic chef, and
author of Easy Green Living, suggests giving yourself
a nightly facial massage with a homemade blend of
organic oils, to end your day on a nurturing note.
To a small bottle containing two ounces of almond
oil, add two drops each of lavender, chamomile,
and rose essential oils. Shake gently, and put six or
eight drops in your palm. Rub your hands together
to warm the oil, breathe in the relaxing scent, then
apply it to your neck and face, using gentle, upward

strokes. Use your thumbs to draw the skin on your
cheeks and forehead up toward your hairline, and to
gently pull apart any visible facial lines, especially on
your forehead, at the bridge of your nose, and around
your mouth. Do this for 5 minutes (or longer, if you like),
and finish by placing your palms over your eyes for a
few seconds. “There is something profoundly healing
about making the commitment to show up every day for
self-care,” says Loux.



Hillari Dowdle, a former Yoga Journal editor, is a
freelance writer in Tennessee.
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