here’s an annual event here at the
magazine: We set performance
records every September with the
Dream Machine and before we can fin-
ish guzzling the celebratory beer, Falcon
Northwest shows up to pee on our parade.
And we’re getting pretty sick of it. This time,
the company gave our Dream Machine a
good hosing with its new Mach V, which is
( sigh ) the fast-
est PC we’ve
ever seen—
again. Damn it!
But what
else would you
expect of a
machine featur-
ing Intel’s must-
have Core 2
Extreme X6800
CPU? We know
the chip over-
clocks like nuts,
but leave it to
the O.G. performance crew at Falcon to take
this chip to the very heights of its perfor-
mance. The stock X6800 clocks at 2.93GHz
and in our Dream Machine, we hit 3.3GHz
using air cooling. Falcon’s Mach V makes it
to a stable 3.73GHz using water. By stable,
we mean the machine never
hiccupped during two days of
The build-out itself is top-
notch. The Core 2 Extreme
slots into an Asus P5N32-SLI
mobo with 2GB of Corsair
DDR2 RAM. We said no one
would have the nForce 500-
series chipset for Intel and we
were right. There are appar-
ently enough kinks in the new
nForce that Falcon had to
rely on its older nForce4 Intel
Edition boards. Two slightly
overclocked GeForce 7900
GTX cards in SLI handle
graphics duties, and Falcon
includes an Aegia PhysX
accelerator instead of a Sound
Blaster X-Fi card. Falcon says it normally
leaves it up to the customer to choose com-
ponents, but because we don’t recommend
configurations for review, the company
chose the physics over sound. Our Falcon
rep said that they’ll be shipping systems
holding both X-Fi and a PhysX cards soon,
but they couldn’t meet our deadline. That’s
too bad, because the price of the PhysX
card is pretty hard to justify given the mea-
ger selection of titles available that support
it. Does Falcon really think that someone
spending $8,400 on a rig will be playing Bet
on Soldier? And the inclusion of the extra-
neous PhysX card really rankles us when
we see the budget cuts made in crucial
areas—like storage. The Mach V features
two 150GB Raptor drives spinning at 10K,
for a total of 300GB of lightning-fast storage,
but you have nowhere to back up your files.
In the optical drive department, Falcon
puts both drives on the same IDE chain. We
dinged Monarch’s Nemesis in August for
doing something similar, so we thought we
had a gotcha on Falcon, too. In Monarch’s
case, having the two PX-760A drives on
the same chain pushed DVD burn times
over the three-hour mark when burning to
both drives simultaneously. In the Mach V,
Falcon doesn’t use two burners but a single
Plextor PX-760A and a Sony DVD-ROM.
Does it suffer the same problem? To test
the optical chain, we copied an 8x DVD+R
disc from the reader to the writer using the
reviews Tes Ted. Reviewed. veRdic Tized
78 MAXIMUMPC october 2006
Falcon Northwest
Mach V
This Core 2 Extreme machine takes a +5 Vorpal sword to the benchmarks
The $1,500 paint job will appeal most to the Society for
Creative Anachronism folks who enjoy shouting “fire-
ball” at each other.
under the hood
(670MHz core, 820MHz RAM)
SOUNDCARD Onboard HD Audio
CASE Silverstone ICON
OthER BFG Aegia Physix card,
Sanyo-Denke water-cooling
BOOt: 51 sec. DOWN: 8 sec.
brAin S
CPU Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800
([email protected])
MOBO Asus P5N32-SLI (nForce
4 SLI Intel Edition)
RAM 2GB Corsair (two 1GB sticks)
LAN Dual Gigabit LAN
hARD DRIVES Two 150GB Raptors
in RAID 0
OPtICAL Plextor PX-760A and Sony
SYSmark2004 SE 275
Premiere Pro^3000 sec
Photoshop CS 2 295 sec
recode 2.0 2100 sec
fEAr 75 fps
Quake 4 110.5 fps
0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
1,610 sec
150 sec
645 sec (+225.58%)
140.0 fps
92.0 fps
Our current desktop test bed is a Windows XP SP2 machine, using a dual-core 2.6GHz Athlon 64 FX-60, 2GB of Corsair DDR400 RAM on an Asus
A8N32-SLI motherboard, two GeForce 7900 GTX videocards in SLI mode, a Western Digital 4000KD hard drive, a Sound Blaster X-Fi soundcard, and
a PC Power and Cooling Turbo Cool 850 PSU.
falcon apparently thought
this review PC was headed for
Maxim , not Maximum PC.