MaximumPC 2006 10

(Dariusz) #1

reviews Tes Ted. Reviewed. veRdic Tized

102 MAXIMUMPC october 2006


rey has been a long time coming—it
was originally announced in 1997,
then cancelled, and then recently
revived. Though it brings some innovative
gameplay to the table, by the time you
get to the end (the game’s only four to six
hours long), Prey’s run out of tricks and it
plays just like any other shooter.
We should state right from the start
that this game, like many other shoot-
ers, begins brilliantly. You are a Cherokee
Indian enjoying an evening in your
girlfriend’s bar, when all of a sudden an
alien ship sucks you, your girlfriend, and
your grandfather into its underbelly. This
totally kills your buzz, obviously, and for
the next few hours it’s up to you to lay
down some Native American smack on the
alien interlopers. You don’t have any clue
what’s going on for the first few hours of
the game, which we found frustrating. We
don’t need a story spoon-fed to us, but we
would have appreciated just a little more
exposition. As it is, it’s not until the game’s
finale that everything comes together and
makes sense.
In most respects, Prey is a fairly stan-
dard first-person shooter, but the game
does innovate on several fronts. The first
“new” thing is the game’s use of portals,
which allow you to move from one area
to another unconnected area by stepping
through a wormhole. Though they’re used
in a few simple puzzles, the portals are
essentially nothing more than fancy doors.

It’s a shame they don’t add any interesting
or unique dimensions to the gameplay.
The second way in which the game
innovates—and is truly a pioneer—is in
upside-down gameplay. Through the use
of vertical walkways and switches that
invert the environment, you find yourself
walking on the ceiling and shooting at
bad guys above you, below you, or on
the walls next to you. Some rooms have
switches that you shoot to invert the
entire room, causing you to flip upside
down. It’s utterly sickening at first, and
your character brilliantly says “I’m going
to be sick!” if you flip-flop the gravity too
much. Then he pukes his
guts out, just like you feel
doing. The first time the
world turns, it’s an excep-
tional gaming moment,
and after a few spins
the upside-down action
becomes more tolerable.
We also like the game’s
“spirit walk” feature, where
you leave your body and
walk around like a ghost.
You use the feature to solve
rudimentary puzzles, and we
enjoyed slaughtering ene-
mies and swallowing their
souls in spirit-walk mode.
Where the game
comes up short is in the
FPS bread-and-butter:
combat, weapons, and

puzzles. The weapons are interesting in
that they are all organic (living, breath-
ing creatures, in other words), but for the
most part, they’re just the standard FPS
fare—reskinned. The only truly original
weapon is a creature whose legs double
as grenades. You tear one off and chuck
it at your foes, then watch them go boom.
The sniper rifle/machine gun, rocket
launcher, and shotgun all look very cool
but deliver no new thrills. The combat
is utterly forgettable, with dumb AI, and
nary a memorable incident or foe to be
found. The puzzles are frustrating, unin-
tuitive, and repetitive.
“MultiPreyer” could be entertaining, as
the game’s gravity-switching, wall-walking,
and portal gimmicks play a prominent role.
But the included maps are all too massive—
more suited to a 32-player fragfest than an
intimate eight-man encounter. And they’re
much too large for the one-on-one stalking
that the weapons would be perfect for.
—Josh Norem


A fun game, when you aren’t hurling

It’s time to wash this guy’s mouth out with slime.

Prey is full of portals, and they look way cool. Unfortunately,
they’re nothing more than fancy-looking doors. $50,, ESRB: M


wall-walkIN g
Looks great, wall-walking
is cool, and portals are fun.

UpchUckIN g^7
Bland combat and enemies,
so-so MultiPreyer, and too short.
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