MaximumPC 2006 10

(Dariusz) #1

ririgg of the monthmonth ADVENTURES IN PC MODIFICATION Sponsored bySponsored bySponsored by


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If you have a contender for Rig of the Month, e-mail [email protected] with high-res digital pics and a 300-word write-up.





here’s no mistaking the Batman logo, which is
precisely why Alex Wiley recreated the shape for
his entertainment-center case mod. He constructed
the bat from aluminum, reinforcing the silhouette with
screws studding the entire periphery. Multiple coats of
PPG automotive paint and clear coat give the case its
black lacquer fi nish, both inside and out. Inside, parts are
strategically distributed across the entire wingspan. And
because a tangle of wires coming down the back would be
akin to Batman sporting a panty line, Wiley routed all the
cables through the neck, which is made from 3/8-inch steel
tubing. Air vents on the top of the wings and a total of eight
fans keep the bat’s internals cool.

PPG automotive paint and clear coat give the case its
black lacquer fi nish, both inside and out. Inside, parts are
strategically distributed across the entire wingspan. And strategically distributed across the entire wingspan. And
because a tangle of wires coming down the back would be because a tangle of wires coming down the back would be
akin to Batman sporting a panty line, Wiley routed all the akin to Batman sporting a panty line, Wiley routed all the
cables through the neck, which is made from 3/8-inch steel cables through the neck, which is made from 3/8-inch steel
tubing. Air vents on the top of the wings and a total of eight tubing. Air vents on the top of the wings and a total of eight
fans keep the bat’s internals cool. fans keep the bat’s internals cool.

With the front
panel off, you can
appreciate the art-
ful arrangement
of parts. Above
the videocard, and
behind a mesh
screen, sits a slot-
loading optical
drive—discs enter
at the top of the
left wing.

Wiley spruced up
the hard drive cages
with logos he made
from aluminum set in
pigmented epoxy. The
semi-transparent epoxy
allows the light of 30
LEDs (in each cage!) to
shine through. POW!

For his winning entry, Alex Wiley wins a $500 gift certifi cate
for TigerDirect to fund his modding madness! See all the
hardware deals at, and turn to page
116 for contest rules.

With a wingspan of 55 inches,
the Batman Begins mod lords
over Wiley’s 40-inch LCD,
adding grandeur to whatever’s
on the screen.



here’s no mistaking the Batman logo, which is here’s no mistaking the Batman logo, which is
precisely why Alex Wiley recreated the shape for precisely why Alex Wiley recreated the shape for
his entertainment-center case mod. He constructed his entertainment-center case mod. He constructed
the bat from aluminum, reinforcing the silhouette with
screws studding the entire periphery. Multiple coats of
PPG automotive paint and clear coat give the case its


Wiley rerouted the
motherboard ports
to the back of the
case, so he can
thread the cables
neatly through the
hollow steel neck.
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