Your Family - April 2017

(John Hannent) #1
APRIL 2017 57

R5 per corndog


cheat’s corndogs
Serves 4 Takes 25 mins

4 slices white or brown bread
4 red viennas
olive oil, for frying
2 eggs
15ml milk
125ml polenta
tomato sauce, to serve

1 Roll out the bread as thinly as possible and remove the crusts. Roll each slice around
a vienna and pinch the ends together. Skewer onto bamboo sticks, if you like.
2 Heat a splash of oil on medium-high. Combine the eggs and milk. Season. Dip the
rolls in the egg mixture and then the polenta (don’t let the corndogs touch) and place
seam-side down in the pan. Fry for about 5 minutes or until golden all over. Serve
with tomato sauce.
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