OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

I don’t think I learned much about the
business side of yoga during teacher training.
I’m not sure if it was covered but if it was I
didn’t pay attention and there can’t have
been enough practical info. Before becoming
a yoga teacher, I worked in the advertising
industry, and as such, had a bit of an idea as
to how to go about getting myself known. In
the Pure Light Yoga School Teacher Training
course that I am now offering with my
business partner, Sharon Price, we do spend
time on the business side of yoga to help our
students get started.

At least where I live, word-of-mouth is best.
I’ve had flyers printed and yes, they brought
in a few enquiries but word-of-mouth and
social media are the two places I get many
of my students from. I do think it’s important
that you have a unique selling point. It gives
students something to talk about. If you
are just like every other teacher out there,
teaching the same things as everyone, then
there won’t be much for people to say! Find
your voice and speak up fearlessly.

I have my business Facebook page where
I share information about my classes and
workshops and post inspirational quotes,
healthy living tips, instructional videos/
photos, and share relevant and interesting
articles. I also use my personal Facebook
page to tell people about my business
page and my classes. I’m not afraid to have
students as friends on my personal Facebook
page. The more true you are to yourself, the
more like-minded people you draw to your
classes...and the more fun you have in and
out of class!


Tips from the experts to

help you grow the yoga

business of your dreams.

I’m wild and not ashamed of it. I’m not your
typical sweet little yogi. I am exactly who I
am in front of my students as I am with my
friends and family. People know they will be
challenged and will have lots of giggles in my
classes. We work hard and then we rest. We
always have lots of fun working hard though.

I drink lots of champagne, get massages, eat
good healthy food and go dancing. I hang out

This month’s mentor: Wendy
Snongjati, 49, Wild Yogi (Matlock)

with happy people. My friends are awesome.
When I’m not feeling my best, my friends pick
me up and carry me through the hard times. I
would do the same for them. I also go to
lots of yoga workshops to just be a student.
So, for me, it’s definitely friends, champagne
(or espresso martini), massages, good food
and parties.

Written and compiled by Claudia Brown

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