OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1


Computer says yes

This short but sweet sequence from Kirsty Norton
is especially for you if you spend a lot of time at a
computer or desk

  1. Palming

Take your hands and rub your palms briskly together. When you’ve built
up some heat, cup your palms over your closed eyes. Your fingertips
should be in the hairline. Take a few moments to breathe and allow the
heat to soothe the eyes. Covering the eyes will allow the mind to slow
down. After about 5 breaths, blink your eyes open and slowly peel the
palms from your eyes.

  1. Chest Expansion

Take your hands behind you. Clasp your hands together so the heels
of the hands come together. Squeeze the shoulder blades together
so you open up through the chest. As you inhale, lift the chest up high.
As you exhale, squeeze the heels of the hands together and lift the
hands up away from the body. Continue to lift and squeeze for about 5

This sequence will help open up your shoulders and your neck and give your eyes a well earned
rest. To begin, find a comfortable place to sit, either cross legged on the floor or even sitting at
your desk.

  1. Neck Rolls
    Drop your chin down to your chest. Take the left ear over to the left
    shoulder and take a few breaths here. Be careful not to yank your
    head all the way over. We hold a lot of tension in the neck so go gently.
    Count 5 breaths, then drop the chin back to the centre and bring the
    ear to the other side. You can keep the eyes closed or open. Closing
    the eyes and a deep steady breath will help you get into the feeling of
    the posture. After 5 breaths on this side, release your chin back down
    before taking your head back up.

  2. Chest Expansion With Neck Release
    Keep the hands clasped behind you and drop the chin down towards
    the chest. This will elongate the back of the neck. Feel the ribcage move
    apart as you inhale and enjoy the spaciousness for 5 breaths.





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