OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

  1. Self Massage

Take all 4 fingers on one hand and find the area just below the collar
bone on the opposite side. This area gets really tight. Massage gently
but firmly all the way down to your armpit and enjoy a little self
massage in this area. You’ll feel it if you’ve got it right!

  1. Shoulder Stretch

Take the arms up high. As you exhale take hold of opposite elbows so
you are framing the face. Squeeze the shoulder blades together. Lift
up through the elbows and sink down through the shoulders. As you
hold this posture for several breaths, use the inhale to lift the elbows up
higher and the exhale to release a little. After about 5 breaths, swap the
cross of the arms and repeat.

  1. Self Massage 2
    Continue to work the same area now with both hands to stretch it
    out. This area can get really tight from computer use and will really
    benefit from the extra stretch. Take a moment to notice any difference
    between left and right before repeating the massage on the other side.

  2. Wrist Roll
    Begin with palms together and fingertips pointing away from you. Start
    to move your hands so you are rolling them around bringing the backs
    of the hands together and the fingertips towards you. This gets into the
    wrists and opens them to help prevent repetitive strain injury and carpal
    tunnel issues. Take it nice and slowly and after about 5 rotations, roll
    the wrists in the opposite direction.

Continue sequence >>>





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