OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

om body

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Yogi: Kirsty Norton
Images courtesy of: Movement For Modern
Life (

om body

  1. Palm Pressing

Press the hands down flat into your desk or the floor, so you feel some
pressure in the palms of your hands. Start with the fingertips pointing
forwards. Take a breath. Then move the fingertips so they point towards
each other. Take a breath. And then move them all the way round so
they face backwards. You will feel a nice stretch from the back of the
arm all the way down to the wrist. Gradually move the fingers back
round the other way.

  1. Palming

Complete your practice by again warming your palms and placing them
over your eyes.

  1. Neck Stretch
    Take your right hand up and over and grab hold of your left ear. Take
    your left hand to your left shoulder and start to stretch through your
    neck. Breathe deeply into that area. Close your eyes if you want to – it
    will help you get into the feeling more deeply. After 5 – 10 breaths,
    release and come to the other side.

  2. Namaste
    We hope you return to your work feeling refreshed and invigorated!






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