OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

om body om body


here are many things that annoy
you when you’re a yoga teacher.
Demo-ing your first downward
facing dog of the class, realising
you’ve left all your hairbands at
home, so battle inhaling your own hair for
the next 90 minutes every time you talk.
Watching as half the class copy the
person in the front row who is blatantly there
to show off their bendiness and paying no
attention to your invitation to work on the
basic version of the pose first.
The moment when one ad-hoc, off the

Sometimes it’s the little things that matter the most when bringing yoga into our

daily lives, says Meg Jackson

The little things

cuff response to a student’s question has
more of an impact on the class than the
whole thing you’d spent quite a long time
And so it was with one of my classes last
week. As I was arriving into the room, setting
out my mat, trying to terminate ‘frustrated
commuter mode’ and activate ‘zen-like
goddess mode’, one of my lovely students
happened to ask – “So how do you do a
handstand, then?”
Of course, honesty is the best policy. So I
had to say “I don’t know”. Even though that’s

not strictly true. I know exactly how to do it.
Unfortunately my body hasn’t quite caught
up with my brain. In my mind I’m floating up
and down like Kino Macgregor on a bungee
chord, but when I try to replicate in practice
what my mind can rehearse perfectly, I’m
less Kino and more sumo.
Anyway, after disappointing my student
with my not so zen-like goddess answer,
I followed it up by saying “but I know how
you start making one.” And so we embarked
on a long discussion about how all these
‘peak poses’ can be broken down into a
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