OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1


Poor circulation (in the legs)

Practical yoga therapy

techniques to start you

on the road to health:

physically, mentally,

emotionally and spiritually.

By Sarah Swindlehurst

The Problem
Poor circulation in the legs (also known as
Peripheral Artery Disease) occurs as arteries
narrow and reduce blood flow to the limbs
of your body. Thus, your blood cannot keep
up with the demands of your body and can
cause pain (usually in the legs). Symptoms
include: leg pain while walking, cramping in
arms or legs after activity, cold feet, calf
pain, leg numbness or weakness, hair loss
or slow hair growth on legs, sores on feet or
legs that won’t heal, slow toenail growth, and
erectile dysfunction in men.

The Solution
Diet, poor lifestyle habits such as smoking,
and a lack of exercise can cause poor
circulation in the legs. Yoga postures
and deep focused breathing techniques,
alongside a healthy diet, are all important if
you wish to improve circulation issues. The
knock-on effect will also be that you feel
much better and more motivated as you
make these positive changes in your life.

om body

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