OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1


Triangle (Trikonasana)
Stand with your feet a reasonable distance
apart. Point your right foot to the right so
that the feet are 90 degrees to each other.
Inhale and bring the arms up to the sides
and to shoulder height. Keep the chest lifting
as you lean to the right and exhale place the
right hand lightly on the right leg (eventually
holding the big toe). Inhale and stretch the
left arm upwards, and exhale gently turn
your head to look up towards the left hand.
Turn the head to the side if you feel strain
on your neck. Hold here for three breaths
and then inhale come up and out. Repeat on
the other side.
Affirmation: I bring in energy and allow
it to flow freely through my whole being


Warrior 2

(Virabradrasana B)
Stand with the feet wide apart and the hands
on the hips. Turn one foot out to the side so
that the feet are 90 degrees to each other.
Bend the knee over the ankle of the foot
that is turned out. Inhale and lift the arms up
parallel to the floor. Relax the shoulders and
gaze over the back of the hand. Hold for two
breaths, then inhale back up and repeat on
the other side.
Affirmation: I am calm, and tranquil at
my most deepest level of being


Pigeon Variation

(Variation of Eka Pada

Starting kneeling and take the right leg and
place it in front so that the knee is bent and
the foot is pointing back towards the left hip.
Aim to sit the right buttock on the floor also.
The left leg extends back with the top of
the left foot stretched out on the floor with
the heel pointing upwards. Your hands can
remain on the floor at the sides of the hips,
or stretched forwards in front of the right
chin, or for a fuller posture, lie yourself over
the right leg and reach the arms out in front
with your forehead on the floor. Stay here
breathing deeply for up to five breaths. Then
inhale up as you come out carefully, and
repeat with the left leg in front.
Affirmation: I breathe in the healing life
force (inhale) and release all draining
exhaustion (exhale)

Shoulder Stand
Start lying on your back and bring your legs
up in the air. This posture has variations.
You can stay just with the feet up in the air
or move onto supporting your hips with
your hands and the bottom lower. For full
Shoulder Stand, inhale and push the bottom
up and support the back with you hands.
Lengthen up your whole body and gaze at
your toes. Hold here for 10 breaths and then
slowly release down on your exhale, gently
supporting your back with your hands as
you do. Rest before sitting up.
Affirmation: I breathe in love (inhale)
and breathe out love (exhale)

Adding any of these natural foods into your
diet might help as these are natural cures
for poor circulation in the legs: raw apple
cider vinegar (one teaspoon before meals),
blackstrap molasses (one tablespoon in
the morning and in the evening), cayenne
pepper (with meals), and coconut oil (with
meals). However, try just one of these at a
time and over three weeks so you can see
the difference and which works for you. Do
stop if there are any adverse effects. Always
consult a naturopathic nutritionist for a
more individually tailored health plan.

What your body is saying
As poor circulation is obviously part of

the circulatory system which provides
sustenance and nurturing to your body, the
flow of this has been somehow affected.
This is usually over a little bit of time, or if
you have had these symptoms for a while,
then it will have been for longer. Think
back to when it came on and be aware
(without judgement) of what was happening
that was significant in your life before the
symptoms appeared. Here there could be
some clues as to where you need to heal.
The circulatory system starts to break down
usually when a person holds onto angers,
fears, self-hate, criticism, heartbreak,
and disappointments. They might also
experience a loss of confidence after the
event/experience that has affected them
on a deeper level. Through inner searching,
in meditation, mindfulness, and yoga, you
can find your answers and when you do you
can continue to use yoga to heal. Giving
and receiving love in balance will help you to
heal immensely.

Sarah Swindlehurst is the founder of The
Yogic Prescription. If there is a particular
ailment or issue you would like covered
in OM please e-mail her at: sarah@

om body

Triangle (Trikonasana)
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