OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

Everyday mindfulness


indfulness teaches us to be more present in the
moment, to savour every second of life. Whatever
you are doing – making a cup of tea, sitting
down to supper – the idea is that you mindfully
appreciate each and every moment. This brings
with it a sense of calm, ease and wellbeing, as you move beyond the
everyday distractions of the mind and the minutae of the day.
Of course, that can be a great challenge when the pace of life
is so hectic and your brain is being pulled in so many directions -
problems at work, health issues, money worries. Reading a book is
a classic example. If you are present and engaged in the story, then
it’s possible to become totally immersed in your book. For the busy,
chaotic mind, however, it’s equally possible to read the same page
five times over and still have no idea what’s going on.
The increasing popularity of mindfulness in recent years is
no accident in our permanently switched on culture of digital

The phenomenal growth of mindfulness and its impact in our day-to-day lives

technology and social media. The chances are that if you are
already into yoga, then you’ve already discovered mindfulness. In
fact, yoga has been described as a kind of moving mindfulness,
where we honour our body, mind and spirit on the mat, diving into
the present moment to experience true joy and greater connection
with all that is around us.
Incorporating mindfulness into your yoga practice or teaching is
therefore a natural step and, it follows, that these benefits and skills
can be pursued off the mat and in everyday life - sitting on the bus,
standing in line, or in the wonderment of appreciation gazing upon the
natural landscape, or just a single flower, as though for the first time.
The secular nature of much of today’s mindfulness teaching now
extends this reach to a far more mainstream audience, in which all
are free to participate. It comes at a critical time as we face up to
the unprecedented stresses of the 21st century. Mindfulness, some
might argue, might just be the antidote to modern day living.

Page 52: Everyday Mindfulness
Page 54: 7 Mindful Steps To Happiness
Page 56: Integrating Yoga & Mindfulness On & Off The Mat
Page 58: When Pleasure Meets Mindfulness
Page 60: Take A Moment
Page 61: The Mindful Spiral
Page 62: Higher Living
Page 64: Mindfulness For Children
Page 65: Mindfulness In Schools
Page 66: Mindfulness & Yoga Teaching
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