OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1


n your life’s journey, are you the
passenger, or the pilot? You wake up
in the morning, drink coffee, go to
work, have lunch, go to the gym, eat
dinner, go to sleep, and repeat. But
are you truly engaged in these activities? Do
you feel wholeness and meaningfulness, as
if you are living with intention and purpose?
Or, do you simply go through the motions,
riding on a conveyer belt without much
control over where you are going, or what
choices you make along the way?
Mindfulness can help us be healthier
and less affected by stress, more relaxed,
sleep better, more creative and open to
learning new skills. It also helps us improve
our relationships with others and makes us
happier, gives us more control of our lives
and therefore leaves us more satisfied.
We all like to think that we are fully
engaged in life, taking control in the driver’s
seat. However, in reality, most of the time
we are on autopilot. We go through the
motions of our routines without stopping
to give sincere attention to any of the

mindful steps

to happiness

Mindfulness can be a key skill for greater happiness.

Here, Dana Zelicha details seven easy steps to mindful bliss

activities we are ‘engaged’ in. Through daily
mindfulness practices and meditation, you
can turn off your autopilot, and experience
true engagement with your body and the
environment around you.
Many people believe that mindfulness is
only about meditation, and while this may
be one component, this practice is about so
much more. There are many different ways
to incorporate this quality of presence into
your daily life and with practice any activity
can become a mindful activity. To bring
more attention, awareness, and engagement
to your daily routine, here are seven easy
steps to bring more mindful happiness into
your life:


Start meditating
10 minutes a day
You’re probably thinking: ‘Meditation? I
don’t have the time to meditate, I’m too
busy!’ While you’re very busy juggling your
personal and professional life, you may feel
as if there aren’t enough hours in the day.
The good news is that meditation can be

done in just a few short minutes when you
find a spare moment or are in between tasks.
Think about all the times you idly scroll
through your Facebook newsfeed or browse
the internet for the same (if not more)
amount of time. Using those pockets of
downtime for meditating could be just what
the doctor ordered to get you re-focused
and back on track.


Observe your thoughts
Focus on your breathing, and where
your mind is focused in that moment. Is
it wandering? If so, where is it going? It
is important to understand that our minds
do wander, and by being aware of when it
happens, we can bring ourselves back to the
present moment. A Harvard study found that
people’s minds wander on average 47% of
the time, regardless of what they are doing.
Moreover, they found that mind wandering
causes people to feel unhappy. Therefore,
taking a moment to observe your thoughts
can help to bring your mind back to the
present moment, and in turn feel happier.


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