OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

wear a


Feel inspired every day

We create meaningful jewellery,
designed to inspire and uplift.

Each piece symbolises a specific
mantra, intended to make a
positive impact on the way that
you feel.

Sky above me

, earth


neath me

, fire inside me

15% discount to
OMYoga readers*

Use code OMYOGA at checkout
*Offer valid until June 30th 2017

Discover the world of mantra at:


Listen to your body
Are you comfortable with your own
body right now? Scan your body for
one minute to become aware of the
different sensations you may be feeling. Our
bodies are our homes and we should take
good care of them. Are you hungry? Tired?
Are there certain areas of stress? Do you
need movement right now? This allows you
to really recognise what is going on in your
body and be attentive to its needs, whether
that’s getting some rest or doing exercise.


Label your emotions
Do a check-in with yourself to see how
you are feeling at that moment. Are
you feeling lonely or bored, is that why
you are mindlessly checking your phone?
Are you feeling anxious or excited, is that
why you want a cigarette? Recognise the
connection between your emotional state
and your behaviour, and see how your
feelings may be affecting what you do. Once
you identify your present emotion, label it,
and let it go.


Tweak your daily routines
Take an everyday activity that you
may normally do mindlessly, such
as brushing your teeth, drinking your
coffee, or walking the dog, and make it
mindful. Every day you should approach
the activity with curiosity, being mindful
of what you are doing and how you feel
throughout the experience for two minutes.
When you pay attention closely, you may
pick up on things you haven’t noticed before,

or find more enjoyment in the seemingly
simple task.


Find a mindfulness buddy
While mindfulness training at its core
may seem like something that you
do alone, having a mindful buddy
can give you the platform to encourage
and be encouraged to take part in more
mindfulness activities and meditation.
Choose someone who will be a good support
for you, download a mindfulness app
together, and make an appointment during
the week to meet and meditate together.
Check-in with each other over the course of
the week to make sure the other person is
practicing mindfulness. Push each other to
grow in this journey.


Eat mindfully once a day
When you sit down for a meal, are you
fully present with this experience? Or
are you multi-tasking - checking social
media, watching TV, or talking with your
friends? Always ask yourself: ‘Am I really
hungry right now? Does my body really need
that?’ Instead of trying to rush through, take
the time to enjoy your food and set a timer
for 20 minutes to make sure your meal lasts
at least that long. Try to be mindful of the
experience and really pay attention to the
texture, taste, and temperature of the food,
as well as to your bodily sensations.

Dana Zelicha is the founder of OWBA: The
Well Being Agency (
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