OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

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New mindfulness books are coming out thick and fast.

Here are a few that have made a lasting impression

Yoga & mindfulness special

Mindfulness - A Practical Guide To
Finding Peace In A Frantic World
By Mark Williams and Danny Penman

Hailed as a ‘life-changing bestseller’, this book
reveals a set of simple yet powerful practices that
can be incorporated into daily life to help break
the cycle of unhappiness, stress, anxiety and
mental exhaustion and promote genuine joie de
vivre. The book is based on Mindfulness-Based
Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), which revolves around a
straightforward form of mindfulness meditation and
takes just a few minutes a day for the full benefits
to be revealed. MBCT has been clinically proven to
be at least as effective as drugs for depression and
it is recommended by the UK’s National Institute of
Clinical Excellence - in other words, it works. Also
includes an audio CD in a plastic wallet inside the
back cover

Full Catastrophe Living
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Written by mindfulness pioneer, Jon
Kabat-Zinn, this book is a manual
for helping you to develop your own
personal meditation practice and for
learning how to use mindfulness to
promote improved health and healing
in your life. An amazing resource for all
those keen to explore mindfulness.

The Ladybird Book
of Mindfulness
Jason Hazeley

For an altogether different take on
mindfulness, this book forms part of
the Ladybird books series designed to
help grown-ups with the world about
them – but in a fun and irreverent
way. Lots of fun but unlikely to lead to
spiritual enlightenment.

The Mindful Living Show takes place in London this June, a place
to learn more about the art of mindfulness and meditation and the
different ways in which it can benefit your life. Includes two days of
teaching and practice with leading mindfulness figures, inspirational
speakers and an exhibition hall. Enjoy group meditation, expert panel
discussions, and more. Keynote speakers include comedienne and
writer, Ruby Wax, mindfulness author Sharon Salzberg and Katie
Warriner, mental skills coach at Team GB.

The Mindful Living Show takes place in London on June 2-3 at the
Business Design Centre, Islington. Visit:
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