OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

Find some inner guidance

through a powerful Yoga Nidra

practice. By Jill Lawson

om mind


oga Nidra is a unique, guided imagery meditation
designed to bring us into a deep state of relaxation.
During Yoga Nidra, interesting visions and thoughts
may arise. Our experiences through such an inward
journey teach us so much about ourselves.
My last Yoga Nidra practice gave me some insight into
something I had unknowingly been struggling with, and spurred a
desire to share the following imagery that spontaneously came to
my mind.
I was instructed to think of something in my life that felt
incomplete, or not yet actualised. I thought of something, or more
accurately, a situation I’ve always wanted to be in, but I’m not,
yet. Our teacher asked the class to scan our bodies and notice
physical sensations associated with our current thoughts. I couldn’t
deny the burning rage in my solar plexus. After a few moments of
‘breathing into the feeling’ I felt an ache in my heart and wanted
to cry. My eyes were getting moist and my chest was heavy, like
a looming thunderhead waiting to release a torrential rainstorm.
That’s when I had an epiphany and began to see this guided
imagery unfold.
I imagined myself shedding tears. Overflowing tears from my
heart rained down onto the fire of rage in my belly. I saw the flames
dampen, and I felt my pent up anger subside. In my mind’s eye, I
continued to cry, and eventually, the fire went out.
What happened next was one of the most vivid imageries I have
ever seen. Beautiful steel gray streams of smoke began to rise
from the ashes of my extinguished anger. In this smoke I saw the
message of my intention. It rose up and swirled around my third
eye, and floated up and out through the crown of my head. It lifted
so high, like a smoke signal to the universe, asking for guidance
in achieving my goals. I realised I had not yet surrendered to a
higher power for help attaining my desired situation, instead I
was unknowingly held back by sadness and rage. Now, I trust
the message is out there and my request for guidance will be
Next time you are practicing Yoga Nidra, or in quiet meditation,
ask yourself the same question. What haven’t you actualised in
your life? Scan your body and take note of physical sensations.
Breathe into those sensations, and discover your own insight and
imagery. Unveil what will set you free, and bring your dream to

Jill Lawson is a writer and yoga teacher in Colorado, USA
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