OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1


e all love the idea of
being in flow. We try
all kinds of things to
get ourselves into this
powerful energetic state.
It could be writing in your journal or a walk
in the park. You may run or swim and bend
your body into amazing positions, all to get
your energy flowing the right way. We do it
because it helps us feel so great.
But what is flow really?
In energy terms, ‘flow’ is the
synchronisation of energy on a mental,
emotional, physical and energetic level.
Which means these energies are congruent
with one another – flowing in the same
direction, where there is no resistance.
You know you’re in flow because it feels

great, things feel like they are working with
you. This powerful state is also known as
coherence or alignment.
By contrast, incoherence or resistance
is out of alignment and we feel out of flow.
This happens when there is a disruption in
our energy. Frequently, it is created through
incongruence of mental, emotional or
physical energy. This ‘out of flow’ state has
significant impacts on our physiological
health. It creates negative emotions,
feelings of stress, depression, anxiety and
overwhelm. We’ve all experienced these too.

Something measurable
Flow is not just something we talk about
in the world of spirit and energy, it is also
something measurable. There is a wealth of

The science behind unleashing your spiritual

energy and getting in the flow. By Yvette Taylor

exciting scientific research into the benefits
of self help and psychology methods to
keep yourself in alignment. Such powerful
techniques are designed to enable you
to maintain your own state of flow. These
research projects have shown huge benefits
for your physical, mental, emotional energy.
On a physiological level there are
measurable changes to the power output of
our brain waves. In coherence, we are also
rewiring our brain to create more positive
associations, via a process known as neural
This coherence creates a stronger neural
and electromagnetic communication
between our heart and brain. There is a
significant increase in the good feeling
endorphins and a reduction in adrenal

om spirit om spirit

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