OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

and cortisol levels. These changes enable
our body to get into a similar restful and
physically healing state as being asleep or
meditation. It’s like being able to snooze
whilst you’re standing up.
On a psychological level you become
naturally immune to negativity, as you are
able to maintain a positive mental and
emotional state. Research has also shown
that the length of time you are able to stay
in the coherent state is directly connected
to the speed of change on a mental and
emotional level.

There is also a wonderful payoff for being
able to get ourselves into the state of flow.
The release of endorphins creates a little

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rush as we create our own mental and
emotional shifts. We become ‘addicted’
to the self gratifying feeling of getting
ourselves into flow. This creates its own self
perpetuating feedback loop. Once we begin
to master techniques to help us access this
flow-like state we’re able to maintain it for
much longer time periods too.
The sustained positive emotions re-
program neural pathways in the brain, which
creates physical and emotional changes in
our body.
There are also a wealth of more spiritual
and energetic benefits too. We often hear
flow discussed in the same sentence as the
Law of Attraction. This is the phenomena
of being able to draw more things to you
because they are a match to your current

Energy alignment
It is can be easy to create these types of
shifts in your energy and get in flow, with
powerful self help and energy psychology
techniques, such as the Energy Alignment
Method (or EAM).
This method is helping to bridge the
gap between Eastern spiritual principles,
therapeutic methods, energy and modern
research into quantum physics, neuroscience
and neurocardiology.
It is essentially a speedy, effective five-
step process for raising your energy,
aligning heart and mind and keeping you
more in flow.
The power of this process is a method of
dowsing from kinesology where we receive
an ideomotor response (for example, a
physiological response from our body in
answer to questions asked). This method
gives you a clear indication of your state of
flow on that subject.
From here, we can connect to our
experience of the thought/feeling or belief
and see how it affects our personal energy.
Once you are clear on its effect, we can
transform the energy using a powerful
transformation statement. This releases
resistance and gets you in flow on every
level before we shift the energy to be a
match to the things that you want.
The overall intention is to bring all areas
of your life and energy into flow, to change
the way you think and feel, so you can be
happier and change anything in your life.

Yvette Taylor is the creator of
The Energy Alignment Method

om spirit

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