OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

om living

Makes 2
Preparation: 20 minutes

  • 1 hour cooking time

  • 12 hours infusing time

4 servings
Prep Time: 15 minutes, plus 2 hours to marinate
Cook Time: 25 minutes



  • 560g can of green jackfruit in water or brine

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • sea salt

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 150g (5½oz) vegan barbecue sauce,
    plus extra for the sandwich

  • freshly ground black pepper

  • 4 slices of bread

  • 4 lettuce leaves

  • 1 tomato, sliced

  • 1 small red onion, finely sliced


• (^1) / 4 cup low-sodium tamari
• (^1) / 4 cup water

  • 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup

  • 1 teaspoon molasses

  • 1 teaspoon red wine vinegar

  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder

  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger


  • 1 (8-ounce) package tempeh,
    thinly sliced

  • 4 whole wheat sub rolls, toasted

  • 1 or 2 avocados, pitted, peeled,
    and thinly sliced

  • 1 tomato, thinly sliced

  • 2 cups sprouts

  • Plant-based mayonnaise


  1. Put the jackfruit into a sieve, let it drain well, then
    rinse under cold water and let it drain once again.
    Carefully shred into rough pieces. Heat the oil in a
    pan and sauté the jackfruit for 3–4 minutes over a
    medium heat, then season with salt. Peel and crush
    the garlic and sauté this briefly too. Add the barbecue
    sauce, stir, then cover and leave to simmer over a
    low heat for 1 hour. Give it a stir every so often and, if
    necessary, splash in some water. Season to taste with
    salt and pepper, remove from the hob, and leave to
    infuse for 12 hours.

  2. Briefly toast the sliced bread under the grill or in
    the toaster then spread with a little bit of barbecue
    sauce. Top 2 pieces of bread with 1 lettuce leaf each.
    Arrange the tomato, onion, and some jackfruit “pulled
    pork” on top, then drizzle with barbecue sauce. Top
    with the remaining lettuce leaves and cover with the
    other slices of bread. Wrap the sandwiches in cling
    film to take with you.


1. In a medium bowl, whisk together all the marinade ingredients. Add the
tempeh slices and toss to coat. Let them marinate for at least 2 hours. The
longer they marinate, the better—I often let them marinate overnight in the
2. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
3. Remove the tempeh from the marinade and place on the prepared baking
sheet. Bake for 25 minutes.
4. Fill each sub roll with some of the tempeh and top with avocados, tomato
slices, sprouts, and mayonnaise (if using). Serve warm.


‘Pulled’ Jackfruit


Teriyaki Tempeh


The classic street food sandwich, with spicy veggies and
barbecue sauce, make a delicious, healthy lunch. The
role of “pulled pork” is played by jackfruit – a popular
ingredient in Asian cuisine.

A great low fat detox dish packed full of lively flavour and zing! Use the best
available balsamic vinegar to give a smooth syrupy flavour to the salad so there’s
no need to add oil.

Vegan on the Go by Jérôme
Eckmeier and Daniela Lais.
Published by DK on 1 June,
£12.99. Available to pre-
order on Amazon.
Photography: © Brigitte
Sporrer/DK Verlag

Reprinted from The PlantPure Kitchen: 130 Mouthwatering, Whole Food Recipes
and Tips for a Plant-Based Life by Kim Campbell (BenBella Books, 2017)
Free download pdf