OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

The kitchari cleanse

One of ayurveda’s flagship dishes, kitchari offers a low cost

and effective way to re-boot your system


detox or cleanse doesn’t have to be expensive, you
don’t have to pack your bags and head for India or
check in to a posh London clinic, nor does it need
to be radical. There’s no need to go without if you’re
feeding your body healthy, wholesome, nutrient-rich
goodness each and every day.
There are plenty of life affirming ways to re-boot your system if
you feel the need. Try eating kitchari regularly, one of ayurveda’s
favourite dishes: it’s easy to digest, very nourishing and simple - and
cheap - to make. No need to buy any little-known trendy superfood
ingredients from expensive health stores.
Of course, it may not be for everyone (especially those with
specific dietary requirements or allergies), but there’s good wisdom
to support the healing properties of this soupy little dish.
Kitchari (also spelt kicharee) is traditionally made of yellow
mung dal (lentil-like legumes) and basmati rice, along with various
digestive spices and ghee.
Used as a cleansing and detoxifying food in ayurveda, one of the
reasons it’s great is that it’s also suitable for all dosha types; ideal,
then, for all those confused by ayurveda’s strange and mysterious

om living

Nutrition Zone:

Moreover, the ingredients can be modified for vegan and gluten-
free variations, as well as introducing special options for all three
doshas: vata (air and ether), pitta (fire and water) and kapha (earth
and water).

Digestive detox
Though it might be a little hard for us to wrap our Western minds
around, as we hear more and more about grains being inflammatory
and bad for us, kitchari can offer the body’s complex digestive
processes a much needed rest.
In ayurveda, proper digestion is paramount to proper health and
wellness. “If we’re not digesting, assimilating, and eliminating our
food properly, disease can set in,” according to the world-renowned
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in the USA.
“Kitchari is offered as a mono-nutrient fast in ayurveda, giving our
digestive systems a much-needed break from having to digest all
different kinds of food day in and day out. It’s cleansing in the sense
that it allows the digestive system to rest, and it’s also nutritious and
easily assimilated by the tissues.”
The core ingredients pack pretty much all our bodies need, but
without overloading our digestion.

Photo: Be Nutritious (
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