OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

om living

Mung dal beans, for instance, are packed with protein and
carbohydrates, offering satiety and energy. The protein is important
for keeping the blood sugar, and therefore the mood, stable.
The other main ingredient, basmati rice, is likewise easy for the
body to digest, allowing the system to work with ease.
At the same time, the spice mix - which typically includes old
ayurvedic favourites such as turmeric, ginger, cumin and coriander -
sparks our digestive fire (or agni).
And, says the Kripalu Center, the ghee (or oil) lubricates the
system and further aids in the digestve process. Other recipe
variations replace the ghee with hemp seed oil or coconut oil.
Then, on top of that, add seasonal vegetables to give variety and
to boost your vitamin and mineral content.

Kitchari cleanse
This Indian dish has been enjoyed for centuries, and is also
cultivated in southeast Asia and China, as well as now in the West.
It has become a staple in the diet not only for ayurveda followers,

There are many recipes for kitchari (with vegan and
gluten-free variations) but this one comes from ayurvedic
consultant Sebastian Pole, the co-founder of Pukka Herbs

•    1/3 cup split mung lentils, 2/3 basmati rice (or other
grain) simmered in 3-4 cups of water (a ratio of 1:3
or 1:4).
• Add 1/4 tsp each of organic turmeric, ginger, roasted
cumin and coriander.

but increasingly for mainstream healthy eaters too and those looking
to enjoy a vibrant life.
What else is so great about kitchari? Well, it travels well too, so
it’s perfect for lunch boxes in the office or when you’re on the move.
Cook some up the night before, then pack it in your bag for a quick
and healthy lunch the next day. For a true kitchari cleanse, make a
big pot of it, use it the next day for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner
and you have a convenient, ready-to-go detox on the cheap.
If you’re really looking to clean up your act then stick with it for a
day, or three days, or more. Some kitchari converts even recommend
a 10-day detox for a complete re-boot to the digestive system.
That takes a bit of commitment so try it first to make sure that
it’s right for you. Making it fresh every day helps, and mixing up the
veggies that you throw in will add variety and keep things interesting.
And, if you are being good to yourself by nourishing your body
with such wholesome food, and on a daily basis, then treat yourself
too with regular yoga and feed your soul good intentions and
nourishing thoughts.

•    Add seasonal vegetables: spinach, peas, or
seaweeds, shitake mushrooms for an all round
healing, healthy and agni kindling meal.
• The best practice is to cook it on a very low heat in
a covered saucepan and DO NOT stir it after all the
ingredients are added or it goes mushy.
• Add a teaspoon of ghee or hemp seed oil at the end.

Sebastian Pole, ayurvedic consultant, and co-founder,
Pukka Herbs (
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