OM Yoga UK - May 2017

(Amelia) #1

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eet Ishwar Sharma. Last year, this very special
seven-year-old boy won the Under 11’s gold medal at
the UK Yoga Sports Federation championships.
It later took him to the world yoga championships
in Italy and, although he wasn’t allowed to compete
because of his age, he did perform yoga there to some very impressed
Visitors to the OM Yoga Show in London last October were also
treated to an impromptu demo by this boy wonder.
But this super cute kid is not only good at yoga, he’s clever and
funny too, just like any other seven-year-old. When OM caught up
with him recently, alongside his father, Vishwanath, who also scooped
an award at the 2016 yoga championships, he was in playful mood. “I

Boy wonder

Youthful yoga championship winner Ishwar Sharma, aged seven,

is showing all the other kids in his playground how it’s done

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