
(Wang) #1

myths about yoga festivals & events

Let’s set the record straight about what really goes on at yoga festivals and events.
No, you don’t have to speak Sanskrit fluently or walk on your hands.

MYTH #1: Yoga events are only for advanced yoga students and teachers. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Whether you’re brand new to the practice or have been teaching for a decade, yoga festivals and events like
Yoga Journal LIVE! have something for everyone.

MYTH #2: Yoga events are all super serious, intense workshops for die-hard yogis. No way—unless you consider
happy hour and shopping serious endeavors (which some of you might)! Beyond the intense yoga offerings,
there’s so much more fun to be had at yoga festivals.

MYTH #3: You need to be in top physical condition to attend a yoga conference. One of the enticing elements of a big
yoga event like YJ LIVE! is the sheer number of different types of workshops and offerings. If you wanted to
practice physical yoga all day every day for three days, you could; or you could choose to do very little asana
and never break a sweat. A balance in between appeals to many.

MYTH #4: Yoga students should stick to studying with one teacher. While this may have been true back in the day,
with the number of events, workshops, and online resources now available for students—you will miss out
if you don’t take advantage of it all. That doesn’t mean you should give up your main teacher, but why not
supplement your regular classes?

MYTH #5: Yoga events are too expensive and not worth the money for a casual yogi like me. Think again: YJ
LIVE! offers a range of priced packages, including a single-class pass, three-class pack, a day pass, a main
weekend pass, and a full event pass. Anyone and everyone is also invited to come and take any number
of complimentary community classes offered by YJ LIVE! presenters and stay for more fun, shopping, and
demos in the Yoga Market.



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