
(Wang) #1
YOGA JOURNAL Issue 280 (ISSN 0191-0965, USPS 116-050), established in 1975, is published nine times a year (February, March, May, June, August, September, October, November, December) by Cruz Bay Publishing, Inc., an
Active Interest Media company. The known office of publication is 5720 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, CO 80301. Annual Sub scription: U.S. $21.95; Canada $33.95; overseas $43.95. Single copies U.S. $5.99; Canada $6.99. Agreement
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Bakasana (Crane Pose).
I feel it in my back all the
way through my core.
It’s helped me a lot.

Former NFL linebacker, philanthropist,
and sports analyst for NBC Sports in Atlanta


I have degenerative discs in my back, so I usually
have to sleep with a pillow between my legs to
support my lower back. My first week taking yoga
classes with Jason Anderson at Atlanta Hot Yoga,
I forgot to sleep with a pillow. I woke up at 4 a.m.
in a panic until I realized, “There’s no piercing
pain in my back. I’m not hunched over.” At that
moment, I knew this yoga stuff was for real.
I love the mental gratification of yoga. My mind
has so many thoughts running around, but during
yoga it’s at ease. It’s one of the only times that
I can relax. After class, I can actually finish several
thoughts on different topics and complete to-do
lists without getting distracted.
I’m one of only seven linebackers in the history
of professional football to start for 200 games.
Everyone is always trying to find out how I played
in the NFL for 15 years. I tell them that you have
to treat a hangnail the same way you treat a
hamstring pull: Give it your full attention. I tell
guys, “You need to do yoga to be strong, fast,
and physical. It will help you stay loose and get
the most out of your body.”
Guys see my yoga photos and are like, “Man, don’t
get on Instagram with tights on and your shirt off!”
But I tell them, “If you’re on a regimen with yoga,
instead of having a torn hamstring you can reduce
it to a minor strain.” The NFL season is hard and
intense training day in and day out. It’s natural for
your muscles to tighten up due to dehydration,
fatigue, or a contusion. Yoga helps with flexibility
and will decrease your chances of getting hurt.
My first yoga class was difficult because I wanted
to do what I saw everyone else in class doing with
ease. It was frustrating, but I knew that I was going
against the grain as far as flexibility was concerned
since I used to lift weights so much. I went home
and kept stretching until I felt more comfortable
going to class. My flexibility improved tremen-
dously. It was tough, but I never gave up.

“I believe in living in the moment. Why wait to
do something tomorrow if it can be done today?”

Interview by Dana Meltzer Zepeda






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