
(Wang) #1


february 2016


eat well


february 2016

Winter’s gems

Pink grapefruit gets its
deep hue from lycopene,
an antioxidant that fights
cellular damage and may
play a role in reducing
cancer risk. Its high water
and fiber content also
help you stay hydrated
and full, fending off dry
skin and weight gain.
GOOD FOR Fruit and
vegetable salads
TRY IT Make a refreshing
salad: In a bowl, combine
2 supremed grapefruits
(see supreming instruc-
tions below), 2 chopped
avocados, ¼ sliced
red onion, and ½ cup
chopped, toasted hazel-
nuts. Serve over greens
with vinaigrette dressing.

Bursting with sweet-to-tart flavor, citrus
fruit is now in season and one of nature’s
best sources of vitamin C, a key nutrient for
supporting your immune
system. Here, inspiration for
juicing up your meals and your
body’s winter defenses.
By Rachel Begun, RDN


How to supreme
This technique cleans citrus of its
bitter membranes and rind. Using a
chef’s knife, trim off the ends of the
fruit’s sphere to create two stable
surfaces; lay the fruit on a flat end
and remove the peel, following
the fruit’s curve. Then go section
by section, slicing fruit pieces free
from membranes on either side.

At just 62 calories, a
medium orange provides
up to 116 percent of your
daily vitamin C. The fruit
is also rich in flavonoids,
a class of antioxidants that
may reduce risk for heart
disease, as well as potas-
sium, a key nutrient for
regulating blood pressure.
GOOD FOR Marmalades,
chutneys, and relishes
TRY IT Flavor entrées
with a cranberry-orange
relish. In food processor,
blend 1 supremed orange,
6 oz (1¼ cups) thawed
frozen cranberries, ¼ cup
sugar, 2 tsp grated orange
zest, ¼ tsp honey, and a
pinch of cinnamon, until
thick and chunky. Chill
for a few hours; serve.

Make fresh lemon juice a
kitchen staple for its ability
to brighten and balance
flavors in dishes. The
acidity lightens up earthy
or bitter flavors, making
vegetables taste better,
and it can tone down
an overly sweet dessert
or too-salty entree.
GOOD FOR Dressings and
marinades; chicken, fish,
and tofu dishes; desserts
TRY IT To make a lemon
vinaigrette, blend 1 small
chopped shallot, ½ cup
olive oil, ¼ cup fresh
lemon juice, 2 tsp Dijon
mustard, 1 tsp honey,
and ⅛ tsp cayenne pep-
per in a food processor
or blender. Add salt and
pepper to taste.


When selecting grape-
fruit, pick the one that
feels the heaviest for
its size (or plop fruits
of similar dimensions
on the scale to find the
heaviest). The heftiest
fruit from the bin will
also be the juiciest.

Freshly squeezed OJ will
retain its flavor and nutri-
tion overnight if tightly
sealed and promptly
refrigerated. Just be sure
to juice in small batches to
avoid leftovers: After 24
hours, OJ gradually loses
its flavor and vitamin C.

Room-temperature lemons are juiciest,
yet they only keep for a few days on
the counter. To store lemons longer,
seal them in a plastic bag and place the
bag in the crisper drawer of the fridge.
Put on the counter a few hours before
using. If using a cold lemon, roll it on
the counter a few times to encourage
the release of extra juice.

Use these tips to squeeze
maximum flavor from your citrus.
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