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In yoga, there is a time for action, and a time for inaction. The
‘doing’ is known as ‘Shakti’ and calls for effort, fire and commitment.
The ‘non doing’ is known as ‘Bhakti’ and calls for passivity, devotion
and surrender. It’s in the ‘non doing’ that the benefit of the ‘doing’ is
absorbed. It’s in the silence that the magic takes place.
Parenting has many challenges and keeping everyone happy
is a full time job. As conscious parents, let’s embrace this model,
breathe it in and trust it fully. Giving relentlessly, with a constant
stream of energy moving outward, will, in time, empty the tank. And
we all know what happens when the tank runs on empty; things tend
to fall apart.
So when the cherubs in your care are going through challenging
times, and you are in constant demand, I am here to remind you to
include yourself in the night watch. When the pressure is on, do what
you can to help, but don’t forget that your job is to hold the space,
more than solve all of life’s problems for your children.
There will be times when your solutions don’t actually clear the
issue, and the child in question continues to be in pain. You try with
all your might to fix the problem, but the pain persists. When you are
very close to your children, their pain can become your pain, and
the divide between you starts to blur. You might recognise that to fix
an ongoing issue, you have stepped into a state of constant doing.
You are applying full effort, the fire in your belly is ignited and your
commitment to bring positive change is unshakeable. It’s at this

om living

‘Doing’ is not the only way.

By Siri Arti

Conscious Parenting

point that it becomes necessary to step back and try your hand at
non doing.
As difficult as it is, become the observer and devote yourself to
the law of least effort. A powerful skill to practice is to be able to
simply hold the space, while sending a constant stream of love to
all those in your family. When the pressure is on, balance the act
of doing with non doing, and learn to trust the process. Allow your
actions and effort space to breathe and evolve; and, in this quiet
space, allow the healing.

Siri Arti is the founder of Starchild Yoga (starchildyoga.org)
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