
(Jeff_L) #1

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or many yogis the fizzy world
of online social media can be
the very antithesis to getting
connected on the mat. A dizzying
array of social media products
that can invade our lives like never before
allow us to connect the content we like
to people we love, recommending via our
newsfeeds in the same way we used to in
conversation. We are still discovering the
impact of this level of engagement on our
consciousness but one thing is for sure –
online behaviour can impact and influence
offline behaviour like never before. The
business argument has already been made,
so it stands to reason that social media is
the logical next marketing and advertising

Why yoga teachers should promote themselves via social media. By Lara Whyte

platform for yoga teachers and yoga
businesses. And it is cheap, cheerful and
very easy to get started. For those yogis
who feel overwhelmed or underprepared,
help is at hand. There are lots of social
media experts that can guide you through
this maze. One of them is Cheryl Slater of
Soul Seed Media (soulseedmedia.com) who
runs social media workshops specifically
for yoga teachers. For many it can be a
steep learning curve, but the aim is to get
all teachers online and using interactive
social media tools in a smart way. But
Blogging, Twitter and Facebook are all very
different beasts and should be approached
accordingly. Here are some tips that I found
particularly useful.

Students of yoga love to hear the
knowledge of their yoga teachers
outside the classroom. Blogging, or vglogging
on video, can be a great way to do this. For
Slater, it’s vital to think of how to make your
blog relevant and “contagious”. Think of the
need for the blog, and what the audience
would learn from it. Then think of smart ways
to share it. This brings us to the two main
social media platforms every yoga teacher
should befriend: Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook is the number one
social linker to other websites,
and responsible for the traffic that keeps


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