
(Jeff_L) #1

om beginnings

Why did you start yoga
I was copying Madonna. I was
doing a lot of circuit training and running and I was fit. Yoga was beginning to feature in the
popular media so I thought I would give it a go – how hard could it be? I woke up the next
morning and literally couldn’t move, I was so stiff. Of course, I went back the following week.

How has yoga changed your life
I now can make a living doing something that doesn’t feel like work. I’ve listened to people
over the years say if you find a job that you love then you will never ‘work’ a day in your life.
I understand that now and I am building my yoga business so that it will be my full time job.

Favourite yoga haunts
In the sunshine – when you can feel the rays on your skin.

Best yoga moment
Teaching my first class. I was walking to the venue thinking, ‘What on earth am I doing;
why am I putting myself through this?’ as I was so nervous and apprehensive. I’d arranged
for four friends (Sarah, Clare, Theresa and Nikki) to come along for four sessions,
understanding that they were my guinea pigs as I was newly qualified. I loved it, they loved
it, and they are still coming to my classes now.

What else
I never thought that I would love being a yoga teacher as much as I do. I go on about yoga
all the time to anyone who will listen, much to the amusement of some of my friends. I
always say, ‘Yoga is magic!’ and when someone tells me they can touch their toes for the
first time in their adult life, or an ache or pain has gone, or they are stronger or more
supple, or slept better because of coming to my class, I just remind them: Yoga is magic!

Yoga changed

my life

Claudia Brown admits that it was Madonna that first got
her into yoga. Now she’s a qualified instructor and loving
every minute of it

Claudia Brown
Yoga teacher;
local government
commissioning manager
Yoga Years
On and off for 10 years and
then 4 years ‘committed’

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