
(Jeff_L) #1
(Utthan Pristhasana )
From lunge, bring both arms on the ground inside your inner
right thigh. Drive your left heel back keep your hips squared.
Breathe for 10 breaths. If you need a deeper stretch, slowly
come down onto your forearms. Energetically pull your
forearms back towards your feet. Keep your left thigh
engaged and your gaze in front of you to draw your hips
further to the ground. Breathe.


Pigeon Pose
(Eka Pada Rajakapotasana )
Bring your right knee to the front of your mat and, if your
hips are open enough, bring your right shin parallel to the
top edge of your mat. Keep the outer edge of your right
thigh grounded on your mat. Allow your left leg to stretch
behind you with the top of your left thigh pushing down
towards the ground. Square your hips and keep your chest
lifted. Breathe for 10 breaths.


Lunge Pose
From three-legged dog, swing your right leg through between
your hands. Make sure your left heel is actively pushing away
from you. Root your right foot and don’t allow your right
knee to go forward beyond your left ankle. Square your hips
and keep your chest lifted. Breathe deeply for 10 breaths. If
you need a deeper stretch, bring your back knee onto the
ground, keep your hips square and energetically lift your
arms straight into the air.


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