
(Jeff_L) #1
Model and sequence: Ashley Turner
Photos: Nate Lugo (natelugophoto.com)

om beginnings


Front Splits
From pigeon, begin to straighten your leading leg. If you
need to create space to do this, push up off the ground with
your hands. Keep the back leg rooted towards the ground
and slide your front leg forward as far as you can. Do not
be discouraged if your hips do not reach the ground. Use a
thickly folded towel or blanket to support you underneath
your pelvis if needed. Keep shoulders over the hips and keep
hips square, chest lifted and breathe deeply for 5 breaths.


Seated Forward Bend
Slowly come out of the splits and bring both legs
forward. Reach up towards the sky with both arms,
come forward from your hip joints and reach as far
as you can for your calves, ankles or outer edges
of your feet. First your belly touches your thighs,
then your heart centre, then if you can, release
your forehead down onto your legs. Lengthen your
tailbone away from your pelvis. Stay in this pose
for a couple breaths and then repeat sequence on
opposite side. Once both sides are complete, from
seated forward fold, slowly roll onto your back, one
vertebrae at a time, into Savasana (Corpse Pose).
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