
(Jeff_L) #1


Twisted Chair Pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana)

Parivrtta Utkatasana (twisted chair pose) offers a lovely twist
increasing spinal flexibility. It stimulates the digestive organs providing
a deep detoxifying rinse. It will also strengthen your thighs, hip
flexors, adductors and glutes. Avoid the pose if you are suffering
from a shoulder injury, have high or low blood pressure, or if you are

Start in Utkatasana, with your feet together (big toes and heels
touching), a deep bend in your knees and reaching your arms up to
the sky. Draw your hands together and then down towards the centre
of your chest into anjali mudra.

Twist towards your right, placing your left elbow to the outside
of your right knee. Press the palms of your hands together and in
towards the centre of your chest. Ensure that your knees are still
aligned. It is common for the left knee to edge forward here, draw it
back so that the knees are together and hence your hips are even
taking the twist into your spine.
As you inhale find more length into your spine, and as you exhale
deepen your twist – draw your right shoulder further back, expand
through the front of your chest taking your gaze up. If it feels
uncomfortable for your neck to look up, lower your gaze. You may
open the arms if you are comfortable in the pose, by reaching your
right arm up and extending your left arm down.
Stay for 5 full breaths before repeating on the other side.

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