preconceptions are rarely helpful,
or for that matter, accurate.
Duncan Peak, 40, ex-army offi cer,
former representative rugby
player and the founder of the
successful Power Living brand
would surely be a self-assured,
possibly arrogant, hard-
charging type of man, I reasoned.
Anyone who could convince cage
fi ghters, NRL players and special-
forces soldiers about the benefi ts of
yoga had to be one tough nut. After all,
over the past 11 years Duncan Peak has
demonstrated considerable business acumen,
building a brand that encompasses several
studios, teacher training, books, retreats
and, rumour has it, he's just getting started.
You can’t build a dominant brand in that
Yoga Founder
Duncan Peak on
life, business, grief
and the power
of yoga
By Todd Cole
competitive space with
love, understanding and
compassion. There’s no way.
Thirty minutes after we
met, I was left shaking my head,
laughing quietly to myself in that way you do
when your own ignorance amazes you and
you realise that you’re not as smart at you
thought you were - and are happy because
of it. Note to self: preconceptions are never
helpful. Here I share our conversation –
and an insight into a very remarkable man.
YJ: Tell me, what was your fi rst
experience of yoga?
DP: When I was young I lived with another
family – not my natural one – for a few
years. Their stepfather was a really keen
yogi. He lived in India for about 11 years.
He taught us the traditional style of yoga
called Raja yoga. That was really meditating;
the science of the mind. It wasn’t until I got
out of the army at 24 after I got injured
pretty bad that I got into the physical style of
yoga, Ashtanga, to help me with my injuries.
Duncan relaxing at
home in Asymmetrical
Pincha Mayurasana
may/june 2015
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