
(Greg DeLong) #1


may/june 2015


Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Bridge Pose
Start by lying on your back. Bend your
knees and place your feet hip-width apart
and parallel, directly below your knees.
Inhale and lift your pelvis. Place a block
under your sacrum. Open your arms onto
the floor in a cactus shape, then lift your heart.

Viparita Karani
Legs-up-the-Wall Pose
Fold a blanket into a narrow stack that’s the
length of your spine. Sit close to a wall and
place the blanket behind you, perpendicular to
the wall. Lie back onto the blanket, then scoot
your buttocks as close to the wall as possible
and send your legs up. Rest with arms by sides.

Adept’s Pose
Sit with your ankles lined up. Softly close your
eyes, tuning into the rhythm of your breath and
becoming aware of your heartbeat. Inhale and
lengthen your spine; exhale and root down
through your seat. Rest your hands on your
knees, with index fingertips touching thumbs.

Siddhasana, variation
Adept’s Pose, variation
Sit tall on a blanket and cross your ankles.
Inhale and lift your spine, exhale as you take
your left hand to your outer right knee. Place
your right hand to the floor behind you for
support. Inhale and lengthen; exhale and twist
deeper. Switch sides and repeat the sequence.

Corpse Pose
Lie back, letting your legs and arms relax. Bring
your attention to your breath and notice which
nostril is clearer. To come out of the pose, draw
your knees in towards your chest. Instead of
automatically rolling to your right side, roll
onto whichever side has the clearer nostril.
Stay there until both nostrils feel equally clear.

1 minute
[10-15 breaths]

1 minute
[10-15 breaths]
each side

3 minutes
[30-45 breaths]

4 minutes

3 minutes
[30-45 breaths]


If you have ... add these poses to your sequenceminutes

Teacher Jeanie Manchester
is the creator of Shakti Rise
Immersions and teacher
trainings in the. Find her at
Model Robyn Capobianco
teaches alignment-based
vinyasa and yoga therapy.

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