
(Greg DeLong) #1
PHOTOS: Marie Bar


we topple overboard and, within seconds, coral
gardens glow. A boldly striped triggerfish parades
above a parrotfish excavating the coral floor as
swarms of yellow and blue fusiliers flash by. And
above, are schools of blue needlefish fracturing
the sunlight that spears the waterline.
The balmy waters soon reveal why Lombok
is hailed “the turtle capital of the world”. We spot
two loggerhead sea turtles, with their recognisably
large heads and heart-shaped carapaces; a shyer
hawksbill, with its characteristically long neck; and
three green turtles. One is super-large, thought to
be around 70 years old. This bountiful region is also
home to tuna, reef sharks, leopard sharks, dolphins
and manta rays.
We plant footprints in the sand on Gili Meno,
as colourful cidomos (horse-drawn carts) jingle
by. Heeding the growls from our hungry bellies,
we lunch at the idyllic beach-planted Mahamaya
Boutique Resort. Indonesia is renowned for its
marinated cuisine, but I lose myself over their
satay skewers – clearly crafted by a skillful chef!

Waterfall time
Post sunrise, we journey north towards active Mount
Rinjani (Indonesia’s second highest mountain at
3726 metres). The drive is a lesson on fertile Lombok,
taught partly via the car window’s verdant slideshow,
and partly by knowledgeable Hassan.
“Lombok has six permanent and around 20
seasonal rivers,” he tells us. “Our fertile island
produces rice, corn, maize, onions, peanuts,
coconuts, rambutans, mangosteens, papayas,
agar-agar and kangkong (water spinach).”
We visit food markets where locals lunch by their
cidomos as kampung chickens run wild. After a two-
hour culinary lesson, we decant from the car and
begin the lush descent to Tiu Kelep waterfall.
Local guide Edon points out the Arenga palm.
88 “From this tree we obtain red sugar... and strong

may/june 2015



Clockwise from top: traditional
Gili island shores; Tiu Kelep
Waterfall’s raging magnificence;
an indonesian outrigger boat;
a traditional lumbung in Sade.

yj43_86-91_travel.indd 88 31/03/2015 11:08 am

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