
(Marcin) #1


practice well

Virabhadrasana II Warrior Pose II
From Downward Dog, step your right foot forward
to your right thumb, plant your back foot on the
ground, and rise up to Warrior Pose II. Stretch your
arms away from each other. Draw the tips of
your shoulder blades together and broaden your
chest. Look forward over your front hand. As you
inhale, radiate out in all directions.

Three-Legged Dog, variation
Bring your hands to the mat and step back into
Downward Dog. Inhale as you reach your right
leg high behind you, lifting from your inner
right thigh. Bend your right knee, bring your
heel toward your glute, and open your right hip
and side body. Keep your hands firmly planted
and arms parallel.

Plank Pose
From Flip Dog, with your core engaged, spin your
torso back toward the floor and place both hands
on the mat. Root your palms to the earth and stack
your shoulders over your wrists. Reach your heels
back and your crown forward, lengthen your spine,
and engage the low belly and legs.

Instructions: Do 4 rounds of this sequence. In round 1,
hold each pose for 5–6 breaths, or 30 seconds. In rounds 2–4,
hold each pose for 1 breath, or 5–6 seconds.

Wild Thing
From Side Plank, lift your left leg up a foot or two.
Bend your left knee and float that foot to the floor,
landing on the ball of the foot, as you soar your
hips high. Press into the outer edge of the right foot
and engage the right leg. Draw the head of your
right humerus in and open your heart. Extend your
top arm. Expand and celebrate! Return to Down-
ward Dog and practice sequence on the left.

End here with Savasana, 3 minutes

Flip Dog
Press onto your left tiptoes and into your left
hand as you spin your torso and hips open to
the ceiling and lower your right foot to the floor.
Lift your hips high. Keep your feet grounded
and hip-distance apart. Squeeze the tips of your
shoulders together to expand your chest, and
reach your right arm behind you. Let your
head drop, and take deep, expansive breaths.

Vasisthasana, variation
Side Plank Pose, variation
Shift weight into your right hand and stack your
left foot on top of your right, flexing both feet.
Stretch your left arm high. To express joy in the
pose, lift your hips as high as you can and open
your chest. Reach strongly through your heels
and stretch your arms away from each other.


If you have 20 minutes, add
these poses to your sequence.


december 2014
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