
(Marcin) #1
FLOURS Most grocery stores now carry
at least a few gluten-free fl our blends.
They typically contain four kinds of fl ours,
including starches like potato or tapioca to
help bind and tenderize. If you are trying
to go low-carb, seek out nut- or bean-based
blends, which are generally higher in pro-
tein, fi ber, and other nutrients; use them
in recipes with chocolate, spices, or other
strong fl avors that mask the fl our’s slight
beany notes. For lightly fl avored cakes,
such as angel food, choose a mild-fl avored
blend with white-rice fl our at the top of
the ingredients list. Single fl ours like
almond, coconut, or quinoa work well,
too, but be sure to add a binder.
BINDERS When baking without wheat,
you need to add a binding ingredient to
re-create the gluten-based structure that
forms when the wheat fl our is mixed with
liquid and which serves to hold together
ingredients. Otherwise your goodie will fall
fl at or crumble. Replace 1 / 4 cup of liquid
with one egg. For a vegan alternative, mix
1 tablespoon ground fl ax with 1 / 4 cup water
in place of one egg. Or try xanthan or guar
gum, powdered binding ingredients sold
at health food stores. For bread, use 1 tea-
spoon of gum per cup of fl our; for cakes
and cookies, just half a teaspoon—any
more and they will turn out rubbery.
PANTRY STAPLES Gluten-free fl our blend,
eggs or fl ax seeds, xanthan and guar gums

WHOLE-FRUIT PUREES Most sugar-abstainers
are ditching refi ned sweeteners like table
sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, but
some even avoid unprocessed simple sugars
like honey and maple syrup. Luckily, it’s pos-
sible to bake sweets without most of these by
substituting in a whole-fruit puree, which
also adds antioxidants, fi ber, and other nu-
trients to the dessert. To make, soak dates,
prunes, or other dried fruit for a few hours
or overnight, drain, and puree in a food
processor or blender. Replace up to half the
fats and sugar with an equivalent amount
of puree. (You’ll need to experiment to get
the proportions just right.) Use purees in
fruit-based recipes, such as blueberry muf-
fi ns or fruitcake, or in chocolate desserts,
which harmonize well with fruit fl avor.



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