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it to mind so often it became real before it
actually became a reality. Through a post on
Facebook I was lead to Rebecca Campbell’s
book Light is the New Black which helped me
see that my light was needed in the world and
gave me faith in the concept that if I took the
leap the universe would guide and support
me. It was my inspiration for countless yoga
classes and the start of my Pinterest board
full of images of colour and detail, the
inspiration for the look of the studio.

Little miracles
I discovered, as my reading journey continued
with the work of Gabrielle Bernstein, that I
could surrender my fear at anytime and call
upon my inner guide for support. I’m still not
really sure I understand who, where or what
provides this guidance, but boy oh boy is
it there whenever I needed it. My personal
practice shifted from one based on physical
expression through asana to one more or
less totally based on prayer and meditation.
Every day I sat, surrendered and waited for
guidance, I was never disappointed. On one
particular day after giving thanks for all those
I loved, I came out of my meditation with a
clear message: if you love them, tell them - so
I did (by text). Out of this gratitude and love
came my studio. In the conversation that
followed my ‘I love you’ message, my sister

let me know that a friend of hers who had
opened a studio in Milton Keynes wanted to
follow a direction closer to her heart, so the
opportunity opened to take over a premises
with the correct planning permission already
in use as a yoga studio. After searching and
failing to find affordable property, this was
a miracle. In the space of a few days I went
from being nowhere close to having premises
or funding, to everything just falling in to
place. It is true miracles are possible. If you
show up with positive intention for good, your
intention really can become your reality.

Heart spaces
My studio is called The Heart Yoga Space
because the idea came from my heart and
out of the love and support of those who
are dearest to me, as well as the universe,
which has been there for me at every turn. All
the way through as I considered, offered up
and talked about my plans my overwhelming
desire has been to produce a warm,
welcoming and unpretentious space that
allows people to develop their practice and
themselves regardless of who they are and
what part of their journey they are on. I have
not done this alone and have been honoured
to be supported by my family and friends
who have trusted my intuition and helped
me achieve my vision. My sister and I stood

in the doorway at 1.30am on the morning
we opened and she said to me, “You’ve done
it”. As I looked around, it was exactly what
I’d seen so many times as I meditated. I’m
so proud with what we’ve achieved and so
grateful to all who have been involved.

Trust the process
I am not saying that this journey has been
stress-free (that really would be a charmed
life) or that everything is going to be plain
sailing as we become established, but when
class numbers are small I surrender my fears
and trust that I have been lead this far for
a reason. I take comfort in knowing that
even those studios that inspire me started
somewhere. Already I feel totally blessed
to be around people who are drawn to our
little slice of colour, our haven from the
day-to-day, who bring their presence, their
expectations and their authenticity and
join our Sangha. I have no idea where this
journey leads, but I am trusting, leaning in
and enjoying the adventure with an open
heart, totally grateful for all the love and
support I have and trusting that The Heart
Yoga Space is part of the plan.

Geni Ebbetts is a yoga teacher and owner
of The Heart Yoga Space, Milton Keynes
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