
(Michael S) #1


Describe yourself as a colour
Bright yellow - it’s the colour of the sun and sunflowers and it makes
me smile - but sometimes I can be an explosion in a paint factory,
many colours. You will never see me turn up to a yoga class in black;
I wear multi-colours.

Best part of the day
A lovely experience on the days I teach is when the class is almost
finished: we’ve held the space together for an hour or so, then
it’s time to relax and sink into our individual space. A certain vibe
spreads in the room. So, at the end of a yoga lesson is my best
part of the day.

Favourite meal
My favourite meal is meze or tapas as you can just have little
samplers of each dish and share them, so it’s very social food and
I love homemade hummus and baba ganoush.

Thrills and spills
Most recently, the roller coaster ride in Universal Studios, Florida.
It’s so much fun! It takes you on a thrilling ride for just one minute
and then it’s over so my dad and I (we are big kids!) repeated the
ride six times because we had so much fun.

Life loves

OM writer Lesley Dawn quizzes yoga
teachers up and down the country to
reveal their life and loves

of a yoga teacher

Name: Emma Ross
Age: 37
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
Training: HPY (Hot Power Yoga, London). BTAA (Bowen Therapy
Academy of Australia)
Specialism: Hot yoga, Bowen Therapy

Favourite film
Serendipity: it’s an oldie romcom and
feel good film starring John Cusack and
Kate Beckinsale. I also love Pitch Perfect
and anything that has lots of music and
dance in it. Also Sister Act is one I can
watch again and again.

Favourite book
For the past two years I’ve been concentrating on anatomy
and yoga books and research; I have not read a novel in ages.
Actually, I did start to read ‘A Short Course In Miracles’, although
it’s more of a self-transformational book.

Secret escape
I live very close to a beach and so really do not feel the need to
escape anywhere. I walk out of my gate, turn right and am at the
mouth of the River Don, which is fantastic. I’ve lived in Donmouth for
just over a year and fell in love with the vibe of the house straight

Someone who has inspired you
When I was younger I definitely wanted to be like my dad, as he
could do everything and he is still the person I phone to this day if I
am stuck. My mum is the calming influence and inspiring in her own
right too. She trained as a nurse, brought all three of us up and now
works with me running a small Bowen Therapy practice.

Cannot live without
I think this has to be music.
I would be lost if I didn’t
have music to lift my spirits,
motivate me and keep me
going. It’s also great to relax
to. I love putting on jazz
when I’m cooking a meal
on a Friday night although I
love all music genres.
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