
(Michael S) #1


Yoga Calm

It’s time to take it easy. Use this calming yoga
sequence whenever things get too much. Words:
Andrew McGonigle. Model: Cheryl Mokhtari

Effortless Rest Pose

Start by lying back on your mat with your head and neck supported
with a blanket. Place your feet flat on the ground, underneath your
knees and hip-distance apart. You have the option to loop a yoga strap
around your mid-thighs to keep them hip-distance apart and allow
your hip joints to release. Place your hands a few inches away from
the side of your body with your palms turning up. Either softly close
your eyes or soften your gaze as you look upwards. Take a couple of
deep breaths to help you settle and begin to tune in to notice how your
body and mind feel. Try not to judge any of the emotions, feelings or
sensations that may arise but just simply observe them.

Reclining Head-to-Big-Toe Variation

(Variation of Supta Padangusthasana)

Reach your right foot towards the ceiling and clasp your hands
behind the back of your leg allowing your head and shoulders to stay
supported onto the blanket. You have the option to straighten your left
leg onto the mat, pointing your toes up towards the ceiling. Breathe
into wherever you feel sensation at the back of your body and start to
make circles with your right ankle, clockwise and then anticlockwise.
Release both feet flat to the ground and repeat on the left.

Breath Work
Place your hands on your lower abdomen with your little fingers resting
into your groins. Without making any changes begin to observe your
natural breath and any associated movements of your chest and
abdomen as you inhale and exhale. Notice the quality of your breath
and the length of your breath. Begin to inhale and exhale through your
nose allowing your lower abdomen to rise into your hands as you
inhale and fall away from your hands as you exhale.

Windshield Wipers (Variation of Supta
Jathara Parivartānāsana)
Step your feet as wide as the mat and on an exhalation slowly take
your knees over to the right, keeping both shoulders on the ground.
Inhale to squeeze your knees back to the centre and exhale to take
your knees to the left. After a couple of rounds on this stay on the right
side for a few breaths with the option to place your right outer ankle on
your left thigh to take you a little deeper into the posture. Repeat on
the left.





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