
(Michael S) #1

Knees to Chest Pose (Apanasana)

Gently draw both knees in towards your chest and breathe into the
back of your body. You can stay still or sway side to side with the
intention of broadening the back of your body onto the mat as you
massage the muscles of your mid and lower back. Gently roll to your
right side, supporting the weight of your head with your right arm and
pressing yourself up onto all fours, allowing your head to come up last.

Revolved Child’s Pose
(Parsva Balasana)
Place your right hand onto the base of your
spine, rolling your shoulder back and looking
wherever feels comfortable. You have the option
to place your hand at the back of your head,
pressing your head into your hand and rolling
your chest open more, or on an inhalation reach
your right arm towards the ceiling. After a couple
of deep breaths, exhale to weave your right
hand through the space between your left hand
and left knee. Reach as far along as you can and
rest your head and right shoulder onto the mat.
Inhale to press back to all fours and repeat on
the left side.

Cat Cow (Marjaryasana and Bitilasana)
Step your hands shoulder-width apart so that your wrists are underneath
your shoulders and your knees hip-distance apart right underneath your
knees. If your knees feel uncomfortable kneel on a blanket. Spread your
fingers wide with your index fingers parallel to each other. As you inhale
begin to lift your bum and curl down through your lower back, middle
back and upper back, lengthening your neck as you look forward. As
you exhale push you hands down and curl up through your lower back,
middle back and upper back, drawing your abdomen up and tucking your
chin in towards your chest. Repeat for a few rounds with the option of
closing your eyes to allow your attention to draw inwards.


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om body

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