
(Michael S) #1

om body

Flow from Child’s Pose (Balasana)

through to Baby Cobra (Ardha


With your big toes touching and knees wide, sit back towards your
heels and rest your forehead onto your mat for Child’s Pose. On an
inhalation, draw your chest forward towards your hands with your
elbows wide and lower your abdomen to the ground, lifting your chest
off the mat a couple of inches for Baby Cobra Pose. Exhale to press
back to Child’s Pose. Repeat for a few rounds flowing with your breath.

Neck Release

Place your finger tips under your left collar bone and gently draw
downwards. Inhale to lengthen through both sides of your neck and
exhale to slowly take your right ear over towards your right shoulder.
You can move your head slowly backwards or forwards or roll your chin
towards your shoulder. After a few rounds of breath exhale to roll your
chin towards your chest and inhale as you press one of the bases of
your hands into your forehead to bring your head back up. Repeat on
the left.

Supported Bridge Pose
(Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Get comfortable on your back on the mat and once again place your
feet flat on the ground, underneath your knees and hip-distance apart.
Pressing your feet down begin to lift your hips up and slide a bolster,
cushion or stack of blankets underneath the base of your spine. You
have the option to strap your thigh in the same way as Effortless Rest
Pose. Stay in this position for several minutes allowing the weight
of your body to be completely supported by the props and ground
beneath you.

Shoulder Rolls
Find a comfortable seat using the support of a blanket or cushion to
allow your hips to be at least the same height as your knees. Begin to
roll your shoulders in one direction, making small circles to start and
then allowing the movements to get bigger. Draw your attention to
each of the movements that you are making. Stay connected to your
breath and after a few rounds repeat in the opposite direction.


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