
(Michael S) #1
What are your own plans going forward
We launch our first 200hr yoga teacher training in April 2017, an
accredited Yoga Alliance International course held in central London.
We will take just 20 students each year. Our teaching faculty includes
myself, Ruth McNeil, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Christopher Gladwell and Gary
Carter. Oh, and I am currently talking to a few interested people to help
the business grow as the third studio is now due!

How would you reassure a yoga novice
Take your time in finding the right teacher and class for you and
remember that yoga is not about making shapes. A restorative yoga
class or a Yoga Nidra class is an accessible way into yoga as you lie
on the ground or are supported by props. And when you are ready to
try a more physical practice, build up your knowledge in a beginner’s
class first. Yoga is a life long journey so take your time in learning the

What do you do when you’re not doing yoga
I study, a lot! I really believe that a good teacher is one with a lot to
learn. I love being outdoors and am a big walker with my husband and
dog both of whom make me laugh out loud every day. I’m a culture
vulture and make good use of all London has to offer.

Any personal motto or mantra
This proverb by American educator Thomas H. Palmer: “If at first you
don’t succeed, try, try, try again.” My dad used to say this to us when
we were children and it always goes round in my head if something isn’t
working for me. You could apply it to your yoga practice!

Find out more about Nahid de Belgeonne at:

How would you describe your own teaching style
I teach a Hatha flow, restorative yoga, Yoga Nidra and meditation. It’s
considered, intelligently sequenced and inclusive.

How do you want people to feel after class
I hope that people feel curious, awakened, empowered and that they
leave feeling connected and peaceful.

om body

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