
(Michael S) #1



Practical yoga therapy

techniques to start you

on the road to health:

physically, mentally,

emotionally and spiritually.

By Sarah Swindlehurst

The Problem
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the
thyroid overproduces hormones. Common
symptoms include weight loss, weakness,
irregular heartbeat, and difficulty sleeping.
Graves’ disease, the most common cause of
hyperthyroidism, is more prevalent in women
than in men.

The Solution
The thyroid gland regulates the metabolism
through the release of the hormones it
produces which are tetraiodothyronine (T4)
and triiodothyronine (T3), which are two
primary hormones that control how your cells
use energy. Hyperthyroidism occurs when
the thyroid makes too much T4, T3, or both.
Energy work with the chakras and pranayama
techniques can help balance the hormones.

om body

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