
(Michael S) #1


Cat Posture (Bidalasana)
Begin on all fours with your shoulders over your
wrists and your hips over your knees. Inhale
and curl the spine downwards whilst looking
upwards towards your third eye. Then moving
smoothly, exhale and round the spine upwards
and look towards the navel. Repeat inhaling
looking up and then exhale looking towards
the navel. Continue for as many rounds as you
wish. Focus internally on your breath.
Affirmation: I am present in the now and
flow calmly in life (exhale/inhale).


Half Moon Pose

(Ardha Chandrasana)
Start standing. Inhale raise the arms above
the head and at the same time raise the right
foot off the floor behind. Pause and hold here
if you like, or for the full posture, fold forwards
from the hip and place the left hand fingertips
on the floor under the shoulder. The right leg
is up and parallel with the floor with the foot
turning out to the right side. The right arm/
hand reaches up towards the ceiling. Exhale as
you twist round to look up towards the right
hand (look to the floor or side if the balance
goes). Hold here for three breaths and then
release up and out the same way you went in.
Repeat on the other side. Twice on each side.
Affirmation: I let go of frustrations and
angers (exhale) and am happy with
myself (inhale).


Tree Posture (Vrksasana)
From standing place your weight on to the left
foot and bring the right foot up so that the sole
of the foot is resting on the inner left leg as far
up the leg as you feel comfortable with (not the

knee). Inhale and bring your hands into prayer
in front of you. Exhale ground the standing leg
and strengthen up your whole body. Inhale and
lift the chest to pull up the spine. Hold for three
breaths and then exhale release the foot down.
Repeat on the other side.
Affirmation: I am centred and send my
energy downwards through my feet to
the Earth. I am grounded and serene

Shankh Mudra
This mudra is very good for problems of the
throat. Close your eyes, focusing inwards
on your breathing. Focus on a calm flowing
breath that is easy. For the mudra, encircle the
thumb with the four fingers of the right hand.
Touch the right thumb to the extended middle
finger to the extended middle ringer of the left
hand. Now, together, the two hands resemble
a conch shell. Hold the hands in front of your
sternum and chant OM with it. This can be
done three times every day for 15 minutes.
Affirmation: I am calm and present

With thyroid issues a diet without refined
sugars and stimulants will help to balance
symptoms as the thyroid craves sugar when
unbalanced but this then aggravates it if
consumed. Cutting down on grains such
as oats, rice, pastas will also help. Eating
more food that contains calcium and
sodium is important, especially in preventing
hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism can also
cause your bones to become weak and thin,
which can lead to osteoporosis. Taking vitamin

D and calcium supplements during and after
treatment can help strengthen your bones.
Consult a naturopathic nutritionist for more
help with food balancing.

What your body is saying
This over activeness is a symptom telling
you that you need to slow down and calm
down from the constant rushing – whether
that is physically, in emotions, mentally or in
spirituality. You are possibly trying to cram in
as much as possible into your life, perhaps
in case you miss something, or in being a
little anxious. You may be experiencing that
there never seems enough time to do what
you need or want to and might even feel
a persistent guilt about not doing more.
Overwhelm is also a symptom as things
sometimes get on top of you and you don’t
always know how to deal with them. Deep
down there could be an emotion (energy in
motion) of anger and resentment which is
encouraging you to keep striving forwards.
This symptom is an indication that you need
to focus on becoming more mindful, have less
speed and more haste perhaps. Attending a
weekly yoga class which is more yin than yang
(slow flowing or restorative) may help. Slowing
down will also help you discover what it is you
are distracting yourself from.

Sarah Swindlehurst is the founder of
The Yogic Prescription. If there is a particular
ailment or issue you would
like covered in OM please e-mail her at
[email protected]

om body

Cat Posture (Bidalasana)

Tree Posture
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