
(Michael S) #1

Extended Bound Revolved Side Angle

(Parivrtta Baddha Parsvakonasana)

This pose is a fantastic combination of binding, twisting and lunging.
The bound hands mean that the shoulders and chest enjoy a lovely
opening. This is a great asana for strengthening the lower body. The
inclusion of the twisting action in the pose aids in lengthening the spine
as well as helping with digestion. In addition, the twisting action brings
awareness to the Manipura Chakra, meaning this is a pose that creates
a sense of power, strength and fire.

Common Mistakes
n Balance can be a challenge in this pose, try widening the stance
to find more stability in the lower body.
n Be aware of the neck and keep it in one line with the spine.
n The hip of the front leg has a tendency to move back and out as
we rotate and bind in the pose; keep awareness on drawing the
front hip back and back hip forward finding balance in the pelvis.

n Warming up with preparatory poses such as Parivrtta
Utkatasana, Parivrtta Anjaneyasana, and Parivrtta Trikonasana
will help greatly with the rotation through the spine as well as
waking up strength in the lower body.



n Be mindful of lengthening the spine while binding the hands;
avoid compromising the spine for the bind.
n Breathe! Keep the breath flowing and use it as a communicator
for understanding how far to progress into the pose.
n If the opposite upper arm can’t come to the outside of the knee,
try one of the other variations of this pose (Prayer Twist, Hand
To Mat Twist) and progress slowly to this variation.

n Use caution when binding, especially if there is limited shoulder
mobility or injury.
n Be mindful of the spine while binding. The strength of the arms in
a bind can potentially move the spine past its comfortable range
of motion. Go slow!
n Use caution when practicing this asana if you have any knee or
ankle injuries, shoulder injuries, neck injuries, back injuries, high
blood pressure or headaches.

Mark Atherton,Yogacara Global Yoga Teacher Training
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