
(Michael S) #1

Love your body and it will love you right back. That’s one of the
big reasons we get into yoga in the first place. But there’s so much
more to it. A regular practice helps us to make more informed
choices in life generally. That’s certainly evident in the cleaner
diets many yogis and yoginis adopt, choosing fresh, natural and
organic produce where possible, often adhering to strict vegetarian
or vegan diets.
And that’s just the start. Making responsible, ethical choices can
cover what you put on your body as well as what you put inside
it. This has fuelled demand for cruelty-free, organic skincare and
make up products, and spawned a new industry populated by
dynamic eco entrepreneurs and vegan cosmetic brands.
The days when ethical beauty simply meant a Body Shop gift
set for Christmas are over. Now, it’s possible to live well and look
amazing (even if takes an hour’s prep time in the mornings!)
without harming the planet or those that live on it. Now that’s a
truly beautiful thing.



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