
(Michael S) #1

This month’s competition

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OM in 30 seconds

“This standing posture is often part
of a Sun Saluation and opens the
chest, armpits and ribcage allowing
us to expand our breath. Chair Pose
can be great for developing focus
and concentration.”
360 ̊ Yoga (Page 42)

“Anything you picture vividly in your
mind’s eye with repetition, and with an
authentic emotion, will be manifested
and become a reality for you. Your
sub-conscious mind will draw you to
what it understands your destiny to be.”
Manifest your dreams (Page 86)

“Cruelty-free cosmetics and skincare
products are aligned with many of
yoga’s core values, including the
central tenet of ahimsa, or non- let’s celebrate the rise
and rise of ethical beauty.”
Ethical Beauty Report (Page 58)


See page 32

Regular contributors:

Siri Arti; Conscious Parenting
Lesley Dawn; Life And Loves
Paula Hines; Teacher’s Tales
Meg Jackson; Real Life Yoga
Victoria Jackson; OM Lite
Jill Lawson; Meditation Of The Month
Deb Mac; What’s Your Affirmation
Andrew McGonigle; 360 ̊ with Doctor Yogi
Sarah Swindlehurst; Yoga Therapy
Charlotte Watts; De-stress: Yoga Off The Mat
Julia White; Yoga & Aromatherapy


Lucy Sabin
Lucy Sabin is a freelance journalist and social media ninja.
She is passionate about yoga as an instrument for finding
wellbeing in our busy, technophile lives. As a trained Embodied
Yoga Principles teacher, Lucy believes that embodied wisdom
can help you succeed in just about anything. Find her on
LinkedIn and Twitter and follow her blog about women working
in technology, based on her personal experience of learning
website development. Lucy holds a First Class degree in French,
Spanish and Philosophy from Durham.

Emma Després
A dedicated Guernsey born and bred yogini, Emma Després
is a mummy, earth spirit, Reiki teacher, holistic therapist,
published writer and poet, professional company secretary,
keen sea swimmer and mountain trekker, and lover of all
things nature-based. She has developed an eclectic approach
to her teaching, healing and life in general, which encourages
the heart to lighten, the energy to flow, the spirit to shine and
compassion for all beings.

Lesley Dawn
With a publishing career spanning 25 years, in which she has
crossed from house journalism into marketing and advertising
working on provincial papers, business titles and now lifestyle
publications, Lesley is enjoying freelance writing about her
favourite subjects including art and sport. She balances this
with family, renovating her 15th century home, travelling and
playing tennis.

“Do not go where the path may lead,

go instead where there is no path

and leave a trail”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Win a Purple Valley
Ashtanga Yoga
retreat with Greg
Nardi and Juan Carlos
worth £1350*
See page 47


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Receive 12 issues (1 year)
for £36 instead of £54.
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